Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bunnies are not easy pets

Some people put bunnies in the same category as hamsters, mice & gerbils. But having a pet rabbit is far more time consuming and expensive.

Bunnies make a great pet but require a great deal of attention and care.

 If you want a pet that can be kept in a cage or outside in a hutch [don't buy a bunny]
 Pet rabbits belong in the home. They need plenty of exercise and a comfortable temperature.

Don't buy a rabbit from a pet store, ADOPT one from a shelter. (despite the stigma attached to rescue pets, my bunny was adopted and is very loving (I've had him for years and he has NEVER not once bitten anyone) he is very sweet.

Bunnies love to chew and will chew anything and everything. so make sure all wires are out of reach. Ive lost cell phone chargers, laptop chargers and printer wires thanks to bunz. :)

Bunnies are expensive! between expanding cages, food, vets, toys, treats etc pet rabbits are not cheap.

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