Friday, September 17, 2010


One of the first things i did when i got my bunny was look for a good vet. My regular vet that treats my dog doesn't see rabbits so i looked online and read lots of reviews to find a good vet. On my first vet visit my bunny was healthy but after letting him play outside in my yard he developed some scabbing on his ears that started to get bad very quickly, I thought it was mosquito bites because i live in florida and it was the summer, but after taking him to the vet i learned he had ring worm on his ears, the vet said it most likely had been there since i got him and that being outside had made the fungus bloom quickly which is why it developed so fast. I was given a cream to put on his ears 2x a day and after a couple of weeks it went. Some people might think you don't need to have a vet for a bunny, but it's very important that you do. Bunnies are like any other animal and small things left untreated can become big things that can kill a bunny.

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