Friday, September 17, 2010

Bunny House

For housing I fist bought just a basic large cage that opens on the top and at the side. Then because the bunny was and is growing so fast i expanded it upwards making 3 new levels. I just used grid panels and zip ties. There are a million videos on youtube showing you how to build very elaborate cages, but i just wanted something i could add to the cage i already had. So like i said the cage i bought opens up on the top so from there i just added the levels and i put card board on top of the floors (which bunz loves to pull up and chew) but its only cardboard so it's no big deal.
The bottom of the cage is where he eats, and has his litter box, and i put a card board box there so he has a dark place to sleep if he wants. the next level is his bed and the 2 top levels are just extra space lookouts, where he likes to hang out.
Here are some pics of my Bunnies cage:

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